The uniqueness made farmhouse

Masca’s farmhouse is one of the most unique places in Tenerife. Located in the southwest of the midlands of Buenavista del Norte, it is one of the must-see places in the municipality and also in Tenerife. Its vertiginous roads and its great cliffs are the two vertices of a triangle that is completed with its ravine.

Masca se encuentra dentro del Parque Rural de Teno siendo una de las mayores expresiones de su naturaleza. Admirar su paisaje es como estar en un auténtico edén.

Exploring the ravine of Masca’s farmhouse is one of the main activities to do in the hamlet. In order to descend the ravine, it is necessary to book in advance, since its path is regulated. However, departure by sea is not possible nowadays so a good physical condition (to walk uphill) and the appropriate clothing are necessary to do it.

On the other hand, it is recommended to go to the hamlet by public transport. Parking is also regulated due to the lack of parking places. There is a bus line that connects the town of Buenavista with Masca’s farmhouse.

The hamlet is the best option to enjoy a different day in the middle of the purest nature. It is a clear example of the geological origins of Tenerife: large stone walls, distinctive formations or a combination of the wild and grateful landscape. If you visit it in winter, you will be able to see how the flora dresses all those walls in green, being worthy of photographing.

If you are interested in going deeper into the farmhouse, you can walk through its sloping and cobbled streets. You will find the Visitor Center where you can find out more details about this spot in particular.